Today was graduation day for Sam. Off to 7th grade. Claire will be in 5th next year. Sam was the class President so he got to lead off the ceremonies with the pledge. He earned 5 awards! The most in the school! Straight A's this year! Takes after some of his uncles.....
We picked up the Rock Band video game the other day and it's quite a lot of fun. Amanda and Nolan have named their band the Little Live Kennedy's or LLK for short. They have picked up how to play amazingly fast with Amanda on drums and Nolan on vocals. The first song they mastered was Blitzkrieg Bob by the Ramones - what else?
We used to be 8 little kids and two parents who saw each other every day but now we're grown up and need a major event to get us all together. This is a way to keep in touch and share our lives. Enjoy!