We just got home last night from Mexico. Had a great trip! Joan came down for a few days and here is a picture of her and Shelly atop the a Mayan temple in Coba.
This year we took a side trip to Merida, the capital of Yucatan state. It is a wonderful, wonderful colonial city where every Saturday night they close off all of the streets in the old "centro" and have eight or ten bandstands with music and dancing until two or three in the morning. "Domingo en Merida" is also an event - the city sponsors a ton of activities for kids and grown ups alike in the main square of town ... not to mention the best street food restaurants you've ever been to. Delicious, delicious, delicious. Put Merida on your travel plans - just don't go in the summer. We were there the days before new year and it was in the high eighties already.
We are happy to be home and to say ADIOS to the mosquitoes! Feels good to sleep in a bed without a net, to have 24 hour power, and to drink tap water!
Welcome back - it sounds like a great trip!
Sounds like fun - it is amazing how many bugs inhabit the tropics....
Amen to that. I don't know how people survive in the inland jungles.
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