It's a sad day in Escondido as our long loved pet and companion Tico passed away this afternoon. He was quite old, could not see or hear very well, and as of late was in a lot of pain. He was unable to get up or sit down without assistance.
He was a great dog and family member and will be sorely missed. It has been a tough weekend as we also lost a close family friend to cancer on Sunday morning. Coupled with John's passing a few months back makes this a triple whammy.
Amanda was inspired this evening to write a poem - one that is much better than the previous post:
Life - by Amanda Kennedy
We get our ups and downs
and all arounds.
But that's just the way life works -
sometimes we get our go's and jerks.
What's coming around the corner nobody can know,
so come with me and we'll see all the colors of the rainbow.
(She wrote this out on rainbow stationary)
Much better poem than below. Sorry to hear about ole Tico. I remember watching Nolan wrestle with him a few years ago - it was pretty funny. Nolan was just about the same height as Tico and they were having a great time playing together.
sounds like how sydeny went but now they both must be runn in hevan as fresh as dasies and not old dogs here is a poem haiuk doesn't apply to normal haiku poems
old dogs die very soon
we remember those old dogs forever
Good by sydney tico
By Samuel Patrick Kennedy
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